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Preparing for the Novel Coronavirus: Measures you can take to be ready

執筆者の写真: 東近江国際交流協会東近江国際交流協会

1- What is the novel coronavirus?

What is a novel coronavirus infection? An infection thought to be caused by a new form of coronavirus that was not previously transmissible to humans.

What is a coronavirus? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses found in both animals and humans. So far, six types have been known to infect humans. The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are known to cause severe respiratory diseases, but otherwise, their usual symptoms are no more serious than those of a cold.

How is the virus transmitted? At this point in time, we believe that the novel coronavirus is transmittable through the air or physical contact.

a) Airborne Transmission Transmission happens when an infected person sneezes or coughs, and saliva droplets containing the virus become airborne. If another person inhales the virus through their mouth or nose, they become infected.

Mostly transmitted in schools, theaters, crowded trains and other places where many people gather.

b) Direct Contact Transmission Transmission happens when a sneeze or cough is covered by a hand, which then touches an object or surface where the virus is transferred. If another person touches the same object or surface and then touches their own nose or mouth, the virus enters their mucous membrane and they become infected.

Mostly transmitted through the polls and straps in trains and buses, and through doorknobs, light switches, etc.

(Illustration from the Public Relations Office Website)

2- What measures can I take to prevent infection?

Avoiding Infection There is no need for excessive worry. Continue implementing prevention measures such as hand washing, mask wearing, and following proper coughing etiquette.

Switches Doorknobs Straps

a) Hand washing By touching doorknobs, the straps in a train, or other surfaces, you may get the virus on your hands. Try washing them frequently, for example when coming back from the outside, before and after making food, and before eating.

(Illustration from the Public Relations Office Website)

b) Keeping a healthy lifestyle Maintain a strong immune system with plenty of sleep and a balanced diet.

c) Maintaining moderate humidity When the air is dry, it lowers the defenses of the mucous membrane in your throat. Use humidifiers or other methods to keep the humidity in rooms that dry up easily at around 50 to 60%.

Are masks effective? Masks are effective at stopping droplets projected through coughing or sneezing, as well as the virus they contain. People whose symptoms include coughing or sneezing should proactively wear masks.

Wet your hands under running water, add soap and rub your palms well.

指先・⽖の間を念⼊りにこすります。 指の間を洗います。

親指と⼿のひらをねじり洗いします。 ⼿⾸も忘れずに洗います。

After washing with soap, rinse it off with plenty of water and dry your hands thoroughly with a clean towel or paper towels.

Proper Handwashing Technique

・Keep your nails short. ・Take off your watch and any rings.

Spread your fingers and rub the back of your hands.

Thoroughly rub your fingertips and the area under your nails.

Wash between your fingers.

Wash your thumb with your palm in a twisting motion.

Don’t forget your wrists!

However, while masks are considered one way to prevent infection in closed, crowded spaces, especially inside public transport or other spaces with insufficient airflow, they are not considered effective when used outside unless there is a considerable crowd.

Prioritize other measures to avoid infection, such as staying away from people with symptoms such as coughing or fever, staying out of crowded spaces and keeping your hands and fingers clean.

Avoiding Infecting Others Coughing Etiquette When you cough or sneeze, you may be releasing the virus into the air. Consider taking the following measures:  Wear a face mask.  Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue.  In a pinch, sneeze or cough into your sleeve or inside your clothes.  Move as far away as possible from other people.




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